What are 16 Mahajanapadas ? History, Location | Indian history [short notes for UPSC]

  • Literal meaning of janapada

The word ‘janapada’ comprise of two words-

Jana means ‘people’

Pada means ‘foot’

Janapada was the place where people set its foot or settle

  • Janapada and janapadin

‘janapada’ means a country

‘janapadin’ means its citizen

  • History of janapadas

There were approximately 22 different janapadas exists in 6th century bc

This period also known as the age of ‘2nd urbanisation’ after ‘harappan civilisation’

Janapadas were the major kingdoms of vedic period

Each janapada was seperated by other with its boundary

Each janapada was named after the ‘kshatriya people’

  • Mahajanapadas

With due course of time these janapadas became larger in size and gain importance now became mahajanapada

Such type of 16 mahajanapadas exists in northern india between 6th to 4th bc

The emergence of mahajanapada started from eastern uttar pradesh and western bihar

Buddhists sacred text anguttara nikaya mentioned 16 mahajanapadas

Most of them were follow monarchies

Some of them were republic that is known as ‘ganas’ and ‘sanghas’

Built forts and large walls around the cities to protect them from neighbouring kingdoms (enemies)

  • Reasons for development of mahajanapadas

Due to the availability of fertile land and iron ore

Use of iron weapons in war helped them to expand their territories

Which later on resulted into 16 mahajanapadas

Use of iron tools in agriculture helped them to florish their socio-economic development

Now farmers able to grow paddy with ease

  • Revenue

Tax was levied on agriculture was 1/6 of the total produce and known as bhaga

Tax levied on other craft activities, trade and other professions also

  • Further history

With due course of time, the large and powerful kingdoms eliminated smaller and weak mahajanapadas

In 6th century ad only 4 powerful kingdoms were left-





List of 16 mahajanapadas

S. No.MahajanpadaCapitalArea
1AngChampaBhagalpur, munger (bihar)
2MagadhaGiribrij/rajgrihaPatna, gaya (bihar)
3KashiVaranasiNear varanasi
4KoushalSaket/sravastiEastern uttar pradesh
5VajjiVaishaliMujaffarpur (bihar)
6MaalKusinara/pavaDevariya, gorakhpur (up)
7ChediSuktmatiBundelkhand (up)
8VastaKaushambiAllahabad (up)
9KuruIndraprasthArea near meerut and haryana
10PanchalAhichchatra/kampilyaWestern (up)
11SursenMathuraMathura (up)
12GandharTaxilaPeshawar and kashmir
13KambojRajpuraNear uttar pradesh border
14AshmakPotliGodawari area
15AvantiUjjainMalwa and madhya pradesh
16MatasyaViratnagarNear jaipur